XSPlatforms was certified by TÜV Nederland, part of the TÜV NORD Group in July 2010. XSPlatforms was previously certified to the NEN-EN-ISO 9001/2000 standard, which has been replaced by the NEN-EN-ISO 9001/2008 standard. The quality management system was evaluated in accordance with the procedures for systems certification of TÜV Nederland. The evaluation encompassed all of XSPlatforms’ activities, namely the development, design, sales, assembly, installation and maintenance of building maintenance units, suspended platforms, scaffolding systems, mobile and permanent fall protection, and all related products. TÜV Nederland certified XSPlatforms’ engineering department according to the European directive 2006/42/EG, annex X. XSPlatforms is therefore certified to perform in-house CE tests of its own developments and products – something that no other company in the sector is certified to do.