TotalFinaElf contract

Technip-Coflexip has won a contract from TotalFinaElf for the design and construction of a gasoline hydrotreating unit for its refinery at Antwerp, Belgium. The contract is worth about EUR 50 million. The aim of the “Clean Gasoline Project”, is to hydrotreat the gasoline’s from the FCC unit without lowering the octane rating. The unit will use the “PRIME G+” process licensed by Axens (IFP) and will have a capacity of 57,500 bpsd. The project allows the production of gasoline with a sulphur content below 10 ppm. Technip-Coflexip’s engineering centre in Paris will handle engineering, equipment and materials procurement, works subcontracting, construction supervision and precommissioning operations. Construction completion is scheduled for the end of August 2004 for an October 2004 start-up.

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