TISCO to boost brand popularity

The Secretary-general and Chairman Li Xiaobo recently joined a panel discussion with delegates from Stainless Steel Hot Rolling Mill, calling for concerted efforts to build brand awareness and brand image in TISCO Workers’ Congress. Targeting the two missions set up in TISCO’s two sessions, i.e. “lifting competitiveness in product variety and quality” and “lifting the brand popularity”, the plant staff has affirmed their resolution.

The specific measures to be carried out by the plant to complete the missions include five aspects. Firstly, identify customers’ demands, extend technical service, and take part into the product application. Secondly, stably improve the quality of stainless steel plate. Thirdly, optimize production organizing and lift production efficiency. Fourthly, establish brand awareness among all the employees by the aids of policy guidance and by popularizing “earnest spirit” and “accuracy culture”. And fifthly, continuously improve stimulation mechanism as per the requirement of “fostering craftsmanship in modern production activity” and promote “golden employee” selection campaign, to inspire employees’ impetus on quality and their brand awareness.

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