thyssenkrupp has inaugurated its newest Multi-Purpose Facility (MPF) for the elevator industry in the Chakan Industrial Area of Pune, Maharashtra, India. At this facility is housed a manufacturing unit for elevators, distribution center and training facilities. Representing an investment of Rs 3B (EUR 44M), the new 20,000 sq.m. industrial facility is designed for an initial capacity of manufacturing 6,000 elevator units, extendable to over 10,000 units in the foreseeable future.
Nurturing local talent is an essential element of thyssenkrupp’s plans for India. As part of the factory’s inauguration thyssenkrupp will also be launching a new seed campus training center for field technicians. This facility will support the development of local skills and knowledge in line with the Indian government’s wider training programs to improve service provision and efficiency in businesses across the region. The global seed campus team is taking learning at thyssenkrupp Elevator to a new era, driving the evolution of learning tools and methodologies by including digitalization in all its forms: mixed reality, virtual reality, gaming applications and simulations.