ThyssenKrupp to build turnkey LDAN plant in Vietna

Vinacomin – Mining Chemical Industry Holding Corporation Ltd (MICCO) has awarded a Consortium a contract for the construction of a low density ammonium nitrate (LDAN) plant in the Thai Binh province in Vietnam on lump sum turnkey basis. The consortium includes ThyssenKrupp Uhde, Toyo-Thai Corporation Public Company Ltd., Toyo-Vietnam Corporation Ltd. and Lilama 69-1 Joint Stock Company.

“This project underlines the capability of ThyssenKrupp Uhde as a strong EPC contractor with its own technology”, said member of the management board of ThyssenKrupp Uhde, Alfred Hoffmann. “Our new activity in Vietnam will strengthen our market presence in the Asia-Pacific Region.”

The scope of services will include basic engineering, detail engineering, supply of all equipment and materials, construction work and commissioning of the plant. The contract is worth approximately US$200 million.

This plant, which will go onstream in 2015, will have a capacity of 625 tpd LDAN and will cover Vietnam’s demand for technical ammonium nitrates for the civil and mining industry. The project also includes a nitric acid plant with a capacity of 500 tpd and all necessary offsites and utilities. The plant also includes a tail gas treatment plant, which permits a NOx content of less than 50 ppm in the tailgas, which meets with high environmental protection standards.

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