Thyssen Krupp AG is planning the ThyssenKrupp Quarter in Essen, to be built on an inner-city plot of 15 hectares. Projected for a total of over 2,000 staff, it will constitute the new ThyssenKrupp Headquarters as well as other office and administrative buildings of the Group. Besides a multi-purpose building housing the ThyssenKrupp Academy, Conference Center and hotel, the project includes other uses with a total of approx. 100,000 sq m of gross-floor area (GFA). To this end, ThyssenKrupp AG, represented by ThyssenKrupp Real Estate GmbH, is sponsoring a worldwide open two-stage architectural project competition. Following an anonymous Stage One, Stage Two will be conducted as a cooperative procedure, with 8 to 12 competitors. Eligible for participation are architects who, in a responsible capacity, at least have rendered services as per Service Phases 2 to 5 HOAI for an implemented office block or administrative building of over 10,000 sq m of GFA. The prize money amounts to a total of EUR 260,000, and Stage-Two competitors will receive an additional remuneration of EUR 25,000 each, for services rendered. The jury will be composed of distinguished architects, specialist planning professionals and representatives of the Sponsor, the City of Essen and the State of North-Rhine Westphalia. Online registration for participation is possible with immediate effect until 30 June, 2006. Competition documents for Stage One will be released on 19 June 2006. For details and access to the registration page, please visit