thyssenkrupp implements toii system

thyssenkrupp connects the machinery of the materials division via a new digital platform – toii. Due to predictive maintenance the platform is also supposed to forecast the necessity of machine services in the future. toii was developed completely in-house by company software engineering experts and tailored to the specific requirements of Materials Services.

Now toii makes it possible to connect bandsaws and bending machines, mobile objects like cranes and forklifts and even complex production facilities such as slitting and cut to length lines and sophisticated processing solutions through milling machines and laser systems digitally in line with the Industrial Internet of Things. The digital platform allows the machines to share data and communicate with one another and with the IT systems. Processes can be planned and coordinated optimally and flexibly – across locations, worldwide. As a further major benefit, the platform simplifies data analysis.

The platform is an in-house development, highly scalable, and can integrate up to several hundred machines a year

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