ThyssenKrupp appoints

Dr Jürgen Olbrich (50) has been appointed Chairman of the management board of ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH, Werdohl, effective 1 September 2005. The other members of the Management Board are Burkhard Becker (45), Ulrich-W. Leggewie (60) and Dr. Franz-Josef Wahles (52). Until 30 June 2005, Dr Olbrich was Chairman of the Management Board of Edelstahl Witten- Krefeld GmbH. As part of ThyssenKrupp Steel AG’s focus on the flat steel business, EWK was acquired by Swiss Steel AG, Emmenbrücke/Switzerland, which is part of the Düsseldorf-based Schmolz + Bickenbach group, at 1 October 2004.

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