The Bedding, Blending and Sinter Plant2, known as BBSP#2 plant, at the Tata Steel plant in Jamshedpur has celebrated 25 successful years of operations. During this time, the two sections of the sinter plant have contributed significantly to the journey of Tata Steel.
BBSP#2 started in 1988, when Tata Steel embarked upon Phase-II of its modernisation programme to augment sinter production to 2.50MTPA. It began under the stewardship of Dr J. J. Irani, who foresaw the need to utilise the blue dust, rich in iron content, occurring in Noamundi iron mines. Moreover, in its endeavour to reach the world benchmark of agglomerates in blast furnace load, the BBSP#2 was introduced. The induction of BBSP#2 was a major step in in the modernisation programme that helped to prepare homogeneous basemix leading to better sinter production. It was the first time that any steel plant in India had operated a bedding blending unit.
Since its inception, BBSP#2 at the Tata Steel plant in Jamshedpur has stood out in its performance of superior quality of sinter. The plant has ascended great heights, achieved many records and attained a prime position overall.