Tangshan targets HR increase

Tangshan Stainless, a subsidiary of China-based steelmaker Tangshan Iron & Steel, may begin stainless production by the end of next year when it commissions a 600,000tpy hot rolling (HR) project. According to officials, a 300,000tpy cold rolling project is also scheduled to be launched by the end of 2007. The CR project is owned by Hongwen Group, a private company based in Tangshan city, but was constructed by Tangshan Stainless as an auxiliary project for its HR mill. A 600,000tpy meltshop should be operational in 2008, when the HR and CR mills will have the option of increasing output using internally sourced feed instead of buying on the market, a Tangshan Stainless official said. The 1450mm continuous HR mill and the CR mill will be used partly to produce carbon steel products before the stainless meltshop is commissioned,” he added.
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