Tag: Yieh United Steel Corporation

YUSCO to add new stainless pickling line

Yieh United Steel Corporation will spend TWD 3.58 billion to install a new stainless continuous pickling, annealing, and cold rolling production line at its China production base. Designed to produce 700,000tns, the new production line is designed to increase the company’s cold rolled capacity to 2.1 million tns from the current 1.4 million tns. The new line is scheduled for completion in 2013.

YUSCO invests to boost stainless in China

Yieh United Steel Corporation will invest USD 211.7 million for the implementation of two significant projects including the construction of a ferronickel plant in Fujian and the expansion of stainless cold rolled capacity at its affiliate, Lianzhong Stainless Steel Corporation.