Tag: World Steel Association
Worldsteel elects new members for the 2021/2022 period
The Board of Members of the World Steel Association (worldsteel) has elected the following Executive Board of Directors for the 2021/2022 period:
Wolfgang Eder reelected as worldsteel Chairman
Wolfgang Eder, chairman of the Management Board of voestalpine AG, will remain chairman of the World Steel Association until October 2016.
steelChallenge-9 regional champions announced
The regional championship for the steelChallenge by the World Steel Association (worldsteel) took place online for a 24-hour period on 17 December 2014. This year’s steelChallenge attracted 1,566 teams and 1,922 participants representing 34 countries.
World Steel Association recognition for Gerdau

Crude steel production up in 2013
World crude steel production for the 64 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 130Mt in August 2013, an increase of 5.2% compared to August 2012.
China’s crude steel production for August 2013 was 66.
February 2010 crude steel production
World Steel Association has reported that the world crude steel production for the 66 countries reporting to the organisation was 108 million metric tons (mmt) in February.
September 2009 crude steel production
The 66 countries reporting to the World Steel Association have totalled 107 million metric tons (mmt) in September for World crude steel production.
Climate Action Recognition Programme
The World Steel Association (worldsteel) launched its Climate Action recognition programme on 23 June 2009.
Worldsteel concerned over Rio Tinto/BHP JV
The World Steel Association (worldsteel) has repeated its concerns issued in February 2008 following the announcement on 5 June 2009 of a possible Rio Tinto/BHP Billiton joint venture (JV) of their Western Australia iron ore interests.
AHSS in vehicles saves energy
WorldAutoSteel, the automotive sector programme of the World Steel Association (worldsteel), has announced that the use of new grades of Advanced High-Strength Steel (AHSS) in vehicles saves energy and reduces CO2 emissions significantly.