Tag: ThyssenKrupp AG

Record profits for Arcelor

Arcelor SA, the world's biggest steelmaker, posted a record quarterly profit and said second- quarter earnings will rise further as steel prices stay close to nine-year highs and demand increases.

TAD take-over

Only four months after signing a letter of intent the Italian TAD Group and ThyssenKrupp Acciai Speciali Terni SpA have closed their negotiations.

Changes to ThyssenKrupp board

At its meeting on 2 March 2001 the Supervisory Board of ThyssenKrupp AG agreed on personnel changes on the Supervisory Board and Executive Board effective 1 October 2001 and announced in this context that it would decide on further Executive Board changes as soon as possible.

ThyssenKrupp’s Middelmann to chair steel

ThyssenKrupp AG’s new board member for steel will be Ulrich Middelhof, filling the space vacated by Ekkehard Schulz.