Tag: Team Stainless

Study shows 95% of stainless steels are recycled

Study shows 95% of stainless steels are recycled

Study shows 95% of stainless steels are recycled
Team Stainless shows the life cycle of stainless steels

Team Stainless shows the life cycle of stainless steels

Team Stainless published ‘The Global Life Cycle of Stainless Steels’, a summary of the results of a study which quantifies the stocks and flows cycle of stainless steels.

Stainless steel film wins award

The Team Stainless video, “Stainless Steel - Recycled for Lasting Value” has received the Sustainable Business film award at the 2009 Festival van de Bedrijfsfilm (Corporate Film Festival) in Antwerp, Belgium.

Stainless construction website online

The Steel Construction Institute has announced that its online stainless steel in construction information centre www.stainlessconstruction.com is now available.