Tag: steam generators
Foster Wheeler Awarded Coal Steam Generator Projec
A subsidiary of Foster Wheeler’s AG Global Power Group has been awarded a contract by BHI Co., Ltd. for design collaboration on two supercritical pulverized coal (PC) fired steam generators for the Buk-Pyeong Power Plant project for STX Electric Power Co.
Brazil: nuclear contract
AREVA has been awarded a contract by Brazilian operator Eletrobrás Termonuclear SA – Eletronuclear for the supply of two replacement steam generators for the Angra 1 nuclear power plant.
Spanish power revamp
Foster Wheeler Ltd has announced that its subsidiary, Foster Wheeler Iberia SA, has signed a contract with Endesa, Spain's largest utility, to upgrade four steam-generating units at the As Pontes power plant in La Coruna.
Steam generators at Belgian nuclear plant replaced
Westinghouse Electric Company has won a USD 11.8 million contract with the European energy company Electrabel to replace the two steam generators in operation at Unit 2 of the Doel nuclear power plant in Belgium.
Upgrade at Arkansas nuclear plant
Entergy plans to replace ANO-1's steam generators and reactor vessel head during a refuelling outage in autumn 2005.