Tag: Serimax
Sinopec and Jiangsu launch a demonstration in China
Sinopec Jiangsu Oil Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. has recently launched a large-scale automatic welding equipment demonstration in Shaobo, YangZhou, Jiangsu Province, China.
Sinopec Petroleum Engineering...
Serimax: constant innovation
Serimax, the Vallourec subsidiary specialized in welding, hosted several demos during September in Houston in order to convince major IOC's and Engineering companies of the welding innovation and evolution they have made this year.
Serimax finishes welding for TANAP project
Serimax, a Vallourec subsidiary, providing on- and offshore welding solutions, has completed the welding scope for the gas landline project Tanap, which will transport gas from Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz field (Caspian Sea) to Europe via Turkey.
Serimax appoints new country manager for Norway

Serimax wins Brazil welding contract
Serimax, a 100% subsidiary of Vallourec, has received a welding contract for the Gas Sul North Capixaba (GSNC) project by Subsea 7 in Brazil.
Vallourec acquires Serimax
Vallourec has reached an agreement to acquire 100% of Serimax, a company that provides fully integrated welding solutions for offshore line pipes.