Tag: RWE
RWE plans to progress three CCS projects across the UK
RWE has announced plans to progress three new carbon capture projects as it leads the way towards helping decarbonise UK power.
RWE extends wind power portfolio
Construction works of two additional RWE-wind farms in Poland has been completed successfully. RWE commissioned the “Opalenica" wind farm in the region of Poznan with seven turbines and a total capacity of 17MW at the beginning of October.
Nordsee Ost offshore wind farm inaugurated

RWE to sell DEA to cut debt
RWE, Germany's second-biggest utility, has put its oil and gas exploration unit up for sale in a move that could raise close to EUR 5B as a part of its drive to cut debt. RWE had previously said it only wanted to sell parts of the DEA unit that accounted for 23% of the group's operating profit in 2012.
Germany: carbon-free coal power plant
RWE plans to invest EUR 1 billion in a new coal-fired power plant that will not emit carbon dioxide.
UK: power plant close to gas terminals
RWE's UK subsidiary Npower is to evaluate the building of a new 2000MW gas-fired power plant close to its mothballed oil-fired plant at Pembroke in Wales.