Tag: Russia

Duty tax on SS from EU

Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development and Trade has prepared a resolution for the administration imposing a prohibitive duty on the import of nickel containing stainless steel.

China: pipeline

A private Chinese company plans to build the country’s first oil pipeline to Russia underscoring growing Chinese interest in tapping Siberian petroleum resources.

Russia: pipe upsetting plants

The TMK Pipe Metallurgical Co., Russia, has placed an order with SMS Meer GmbH, Mönchengladbach/Germany, to supply two pipe upsetting plants.

Big oil investment in Russia

India is planning large investments in Russia’s energy sector as part of its strategy to secure foreign petroleum assets to meet the oil demand of its rapidly growing economy.

CB&A receive follow-on award

CB&I has announced the award of a contract for an additional LNG storage tank at the natural gas liquefaction plant and export terminal under construction at Prigorodnoye on Aniva Bay, Sakhalin Island, Russia.

Sakhalin contract to Aker Kvaerner

The Sakhalin Energy Investment Group has awarded Aker Kvaerner a USD 150 million contract for the development of the Sakhalin II Phase 2 project in Russia.

Clough wins gold project in Mongolia

The Clough group has been awarded a A$46 million (US$25 million) contract

ExxonMobil to invest 750 mln usd

ExxonMobil Corp is to invest 750 mln usd this year to develop the Sakhalin-I oil and gas field located north of Japan.

Huge Siberia oil find

Russian oil firm Slavneft said on Wednesday it had made a new oil find in its eastern Siberian field of Kuyumbinsky and put estimated recoverable hydrocarbon reserves at 365 million tonnes (2.5 billion barrels).