Tag: rebar
SMEL launches stainless steel rebar production
Shyam Metalics and Energy Ltd. (SMEL) has launched stainless steel rebar production as part of the Indian coastal infrastructucture program
Adhesion of stainless steel rebar after elevated temperatures due to fire
A study by the Univeristy Jaune I regarding the adhesion of stainless steel rebar after elevated temperatures due to fire
Aspiring to the condition of sculpture: recent stainless steel trends in...
James Chater gives an overview of the use of stainless steels and titanium in architecture, construction and art.
Stainless rebar perfect for bridge renovation
Outokumpu Long Products has won a contract to supply more than 2,500 metric tons of stainless steel rebar to the Rodanthe Bridge project in North Carolina, USA. Deliveries will be started in Q2 2018 and continue through 2020.
Major HK stainless steel rebar contract signed by

Bridge repairs using SS rebar
Dunkirk Specialty Steel have used 316LN stainless steel rebar to repair a road bridge in Chautauga County, NY.
Major stainless steel rebar application
Carpenter Technology Corp., USA reports the supply of 200 tons of stainless steel reinforcing bar to The Fort Miller Co. of Schyulerville, NY.