Tag: Pulp and paper

New steel grade in Tubacex

For seamless pipes and tubes, a 6 Moly steel grade has been incorporated to the production programme of TTI-Tubacex Tubos Inoxidables SA.

Black liquor concentration plant in China

USFilter has been awarded a contract to provide a black liquor concentration plant with the largest capacity in the world in a single line.

Metso to supply Iran

Metso Panelboard will supply a MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) production line to Jahad Tahghighat Group (JTG) in Iran.

Metso supplies TMP pulping lines

Metso Paper will supply TMP (thermomechanical pulp) pulping lines to two paper mills.

Fieldbus in pulp & paper

What is said to be the largest installation of Foundation Fieldbus technology in the pulp and paper industry is under way at Celulosa Arauco y Constitucion SA's pulp mill near Valdivia, Chile.

Metso to supply Stora Enso mills

Metso Paper will supply mechanical pulping systems to three Stora Enso paper mills ā€“ at Anjalankoski in Finland, Hyltebruk in Sweden and Baienfurt in Germany.

North American paper

GL&Vā€™s Pulp and Paper Group has landed contracts totalling more than CAD 10.0 million from three North American pulp and paper manufacturers.

Actuated ball valve

Built to withstand harsh environments, high pressures and corrosive conditions, Dwyer Instruments' Series BV2C actuated ball valve is a tough, versatile valve mounted to a pneumatic, spring-return actuator.

Rolls-Royce: Brazilian contracts

Rolls-Royce has announced contracts for helicopter engines and an industrial gas turbine in Brazil.

Brazilian pulp mill expansion

Kvaerner has secured a USD 50 million engineering, procurement and construction contract from Ripasa in Brazil.