Tag: Petroleos Mexicanos

Pemex & Block 7 consortium sign agreement

Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and Talos Energy, as operator of the Block 7 Consortium, announced that Pemex and the international Block 7 Consortium (Talos Energy, Sierra Oil and Gas, and Premier Oil) have signed a Pre-Unitization Agreement (PUA) related to certain tracts within the Amoca-Yaxche-03 allocation (assigned to Pemex as part of Round 0) and the contiguous Block 7 production sharing contract (assigned to the consortium by the National Hydrocarbons Commission as part of the first tender of Round 1).

Mexico: refinery contracts

Saipem SpA has won two contracts from Mexico-based Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) worth a total of USD 800 million.

Pemex to launch investments

Mexico's state-owned Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) plans to invest USD 14.7 billion in 2002 out of a total budget of USD 23.9 billion, the company's director has said.