MIDHANI set up a Wide Plate Mill at its Hyderabad Plant
MIDHANI’s Wide Plate Mill has been set up at its existing Hyderabad Plant.
MIDHANI is a modern metallurgical plant in the world manufacturing a wide...
MIDHANI indigenized 316 LVM for bio-medical use
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd (MIDHANI), a Government of India Enterprise, under the administrative control of the Ministry of Defence, has been working in the area of bio-medical technology for development and manufacture of Titanium bio-implants, using advanced technologies as employed for aerospace applications.
TUBACEX, MIDHANI signs MoU to expand in Indian energy
TUBACEX and the Indian company, Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI), have signed a MoU for development of diverse key projects in the region.
MIDHANI awards contracts to Danieli
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI) has awarded two contracts to Danieli for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of a complete, modern plate mill complex consisting of wide plate rolling mill and a modern plate treatment and finishing.