Tag: market
Universal Stainless raises prices
Universal Stainless & Alloy Products Inc. has announced price increases.
China must focus on the right kind of steel
Since the start of this decade Chinese steel production and consumption has been growing in annual increments of about 20%.
Stainless over-supply
Recent financial results from leading stainless steel producing companies have confirmed that weaker prices are harming their profits, according to an article in Stainless Steel Review.
India 8th biggest stainless producer
India has emerged as a top ten stainless steel producer in the world. With a production of 1.1 million tonnes during 2002, the country has been ranked 8th in the world.
Stainless steel sluggish, says report
The global stainless steel sector is facing a number of difficult questions over the next few months, according to Stainless Steel Review, June 2003.
US specialty steel imports
The latest statistical data released by the Specialty Steel Industry of North America (SSINA) reflect that the Bush Administration’s import relief programme, which went into effect in March 2002, appears to be working for the stainless steel products covered by the programme.
Specialty global trade talks (2/4)
The specialty steel industry confronted yet another year of substantial losses of US market share to imports, according to year-end data released by the Specialty Steel Industry of North America (SSINA).
Universal announces price hike
Universal Stainless & Alloy Products Inc. has announced a 4% price increase on tool steel plate products, effective with orders placed 10 March 2003 and later.
Imports squeeze US stainless market
Imports of stainless steel into the United States during the 2002 January/October period were 442,967 tons, up 4% compared with the same 2001 period.
US Stainless imports up 4%
Despite USD President Bush's action last March to stem foreign steel imports into the US, total stainless steel imports increased by 4% in the first nine months of this year compared to the same 2001 period.