Tag: Malaysia
Malaysia: green bio-energy projects
Svend Waever, the new Danish Ambassador to Malaysia, took part in a ceremony after the signing of the agreement for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects between the Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy and Mistral Engineering Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Cepatwawasan.
Malaysia: oil exploration blocks awarded
Malaysia's national oil company has awarded three offshore exploration areas, or blocks, to partnerships led by Sweden-based Lundin Petroleum AB.
Stainless steel production plant
Acerinox S.A. and Nisshin Steel have decided, after having carried out a feasibility study and considering various alternatives, to build a new stainless steel production plant in Malaysia.
Moly & duplex pipe order
Sitindustrie has started 2008 by increasing its market position in the business of stainless steel tube, pipes and fittings for the oil & gas application with two orders in Qatar and Malaysia for a total amount of EUR 16.5 million.
Malaysia: biodiesel plants
Malaysia hopes to claim 10% of the global market for biodiesel fuel through 2010 by launching two production plants that are expected to generate a combined capacity of 200,000 tons of methyl esters for biodiesel and glycerin by-product per annum.
Shell Malaysia to invest Myr1 Bln in E&P projects
Shell Malaysia plans to invest about 1 billion ringgit ($1=MYR3.80) in oil and gas exploration and production projects in 2002. The company will focus its efforts this year on continued exploration drilling in Block E, offshore Sarawak, and Block G, offshore Sabah.