Tag: Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin & Sintavia team up to advance metal AM
Lockheed Martin Corp. and Sintavia LLC are collaborating to expand research of metal additive manufacturing (AM) opportunities as an alternative to castings and forgings....
First turbine deployed for world’s largest tidal energy project
Installation of the first Atlantis Resources AR1500 tidal energy turbine. The first phase of the MeyGen project (Phase 1A) involves the deployment of four 1.5MW turbines installed on gravity turbine support structures as part of MeyGen’s ‘deploy and monitor strategy’.
Lockheed Martin to work on Reignwood’s OTEC projec

Polish fuel project
Lockheed Martin and Halliburton have signed a deal paving the way for a USD 540 million project at Polish fuels firm Lotos to convert high-sulphur oil into cleaner fuels.