Tag: JIP
New DNV GL RP on subsea welding to improve quality
A new recommended practice (RP) to standardize operator requirements for welding and inspection of subsea equipment, has been published by DNV GL.
Wood leads JIP regarding SURF IM Network
Wood is leading the industry’s longest joint industry project (JIP) regarding SURF (subsea umbilicals risers and flexibles) facilities integrity management, SURF IM Network.
New industry initiative on subsea welding
The welding of subsea pressure retaining equipment is key in ensuring safe and high-quality performance. However, different end user requirements are added to regulatory requirements for subsea welding, without a clear guidance on best practice.
Global launch of a new 3D printing initiative
Lloyd’s Register Energy and TWI launched a joint industry project (JIP) on additive manufacturing.
Called ‘Certification of laser powder additive manufactured components for industrial adoption in the energy and offshore sectors’, the event attracted considerable interest from companies worldwide.
Sponsors of this JIP will be able to gain early adoption of ‘approved’ additive manufacturing practices for their products.
DNV GL leads standardization JIP with Korean yards

DNV GL launches JIP to combat external MIC
Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) is a serious threat to the integrity of onshore transmission pipelines and can lead to unexpected failures.