Tag: Inoxum
Outokumpu completes ramp down of Bochum melt shop
Outokumpu announced the completion of the Bochum melt shop ramp-down in Germany. The last melt was marked with a ceremony honouring over 100 years of stainless steel operations in Bochum that have now ended.
“Today is naturally a sad occasion, marking the end of an era of stainless steel production in Bochum, but a necessary measure to balance our production capacity in Europe.
Outokumpu completes Inoxum transaction
Outokumpu announced completion of the Inoxum transaction. With close to 40% market share in Europe and 12% globally, the broadest portfolio in the industry and unparalleled technical expertise and customer knowledge, Outokumpu starts as a clear global leader in stainless steel and high performance alloys.
Outokumpu and Inoxum to merge

Euro Commission approves Outokumpu’s Inoxum acquis

Outokumpu commits to a binding remedy