Tag: Gulf of Mexico
Petrobras & Murphy form JV with Gulf of Mexico assets
Petrobras subsidiary, Petrobras America Inc. (PAI), has entered into a definitive agreement with Murphy Exploration & Production Company, USA, a wholly owned subsidiary of Murphy Oil Corporation, to form a joint venture company (JV) comprised of producing oil and gas assets in the Gulf of Mexico.
Wood wins contract for LNG platform
The Honghua Group Limited has awarded a USD 12M front-end engineering design (FEED) contract to Wood for its LNG platform development in the West Delta area of the Gulf of Mexico.
ICA Fluor to construct Pemex GoM offshore platform

Enterprise & Genesis to build gathering pipeline
Crude oil transportation agreements have been arranged by Genesis Energy and Enterprise Products Partners L.P.
Subsea 7 nets two Gulf contract

Deepwater oil and gas stage a come-back
James Chater looks at developments in the Gulf of Mexico a year after the Deepwater Horizon accident.
Davy Jones ultra-deep oil prospect
McMoRan Exploration Co. has announced what it could be one of the largest oil and natural gas discoveries in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico in decades.
Gulf of Mexico pipeline
Enbridge Inc. has announced plans to build a USD 250 million oil pipeline in a deep-water development in the Gulf of Mexico.
Subsea installation contract
Aker Solutions has signed a contract with BP America Inc. to perform subsea construction activities at the operator's Atlantis and Thunder Horse fields in the Gulf of Mexico.
World’s deepest oil and gas well
Transocean Ltd has announced that its ultra-deepwater semi-submersible rig Deepwater Horizon has drilled the deepest oil and gas well ever while working for BP and its co-owners on the Tiber well in the US Gulf of Mexico.