Tag: Fraunhofer
OLEDs on a gauzy paper-thin SS
Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP will be presenting OLEDs on gauzy stainless steel foil during AIMCAL 2017 in Tampa/USA, from October 15 – 18, 2017.
Fuel and chemicals from steel plant exhaust gases
Fraunhofer researchers have developed a new recycling process for Carbon monoxide-rich exhaust gases from steel plants. They successfully produced fuel and specialty chemicals from these exhaust gases on a laboratory scale.
ThyssenKrupp, Fraunhofer, and LIMO’s new project
ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe, the Fraunhofer Institute for Materials and Beam Technology IWS, and LIMO have initiated development work on a new laser technology that the partners will use to improve the properties of steel strip surfaces.