Tag: ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil signs an alliance agreement with Axens

ExxonMobil signs an alliance agreement with Axens

ExxonMobil announced that ExxonMobil catalysts and Licensing LLC and Axens have signed a licensing alliance agreement to allow Axens to provide ExxonMobil’s FLEXICOKING™ technology and integrated resid conversion solutions.
SBM awards contracts for ExxonMobil’s FPSO in Guyana

SBM awards contracts for ExxonMobil’s FPSO in Guyana

SBM Offshore announced that ExxonMobil subsidiary Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL) has awarded the Company contracts to perform Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) for a Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO) for the Payara development project located in the Stabroek block in Guyana.

Qilak LNG executes HOA with Exxonmobil

Alaska-based Qilak LNG Inc a Lloyds Energy company, announced recently that a Heads of Agreement (HOA) has been entered into with ExxonMobil Alaska Production Inc.

ExxonMobil signs an agreement with Mosaic Materials

Mosaic Materials has progressed research on a unique process that uses porous solids, known as metal-organic frameworks, to separate carbon dioxide from the air or flue gas.

Linde signs LTA with ExxonMobil

Linde announced that it has signed a long-term agreement with ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. to support the latest multi-billion dollar expansion of the company's integrated manufacturing complex in Singapore.

ExxonMobil invests on Baytown chemical plant expansion

ExxonMobil said recently that it will proceed with a USD2 B investment to expand its Baytown, Texas chemical plant, which will create approximately 2,000 jobs during construction and contribute to the approximate 15% return the company expects from its chemical investments.

ExxonMobil announces new oil discovery at Yellowtail-1

ExxonMobil has said recently that it made a new oil discovery offshore Guyana at the Yellowtail-1 well, marking the 13th discovery on the Stabroek Block.

ExxonMobil to fund polypropylene unit in Baton Rouge

ExxonMobil said that it will fund the construction of a new polypropylene production unit in Baton Rouge that will expand production capacity along the Gulf Coast by up to 450,000 tons per year.

QP, ExxonMobil to build mega LNG export project in USA

Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil have taken the final investment decision for developing the Golden Pass LNG export project, which is located in Sabine Pass, Texas, and is owned by Golden Pass Products LLC - a joint venture between affiliates of Qatar Petroleum (70%) and ExxonMobil (30%).

A graphic representation of the FLNG

Coral South: expanding Africa’s role in LNG

The Rovuma Basin, situated on the northern coast of Mozambique, has proven to hold significant gas reserves. In June 2017 the Coral South LNG project was launched, targeting the so-called Area 4 above the basin. As from 2022, 3.4 million tons of gas will be liquefied annually by a conglomerate.