Tag: Eurofer
EUROFER greets the Circular Economy Action plan release
The European Steel Association (EUROFER) has greeted the release of the Circular Economy Action plan. The sector believes the Action Plan is an important step in developing a truly circular economy in Europe.
EUROFER new President
The Board of the European Steel Association (EUROFER) has elected Geert Van Poelvoorde as its President. Mr Van Poelvoorde’s term is two years, effective immediately. “I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Mr Van Poelvoorde as he takes up the reins of the EUROFER Presidency”, said Axel Eggert, Director General of EUROFER.
EC levels anti-dumping duties on Chinese steel imports
The European Commission has published definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of stainless steel cold-rolled flat products (SSCR) from China and Taiwan (Regulation 2015/1429).
The European Commission has confirmed existing provisional measures and imposes definitive anti-dumping duty rates up to 25.3% on SSCR imports from China, and up to 6.8% on imports from Taiwan.
EUROFER disappointed with EU ETS
The European Steel Association (EUROFER) reacted to the official publication of the Commission proposal on the revision on the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). The industry calls on EU policy makers to ensure that the proposal is adjusted in order to fully offset direct and indirect carbon costs at the level of the most efficient steel plants in Europe.
EU imposes anti-dumping duties on stainless steel

EUROFER nominates new director general
Gordon Moffat, current director general of the European Steel Association EUROFER is leaving the association. Axel Eggert, current director public affairs at EUROFER, will assume the leadership on 1 October 2014.
European steel market 2012
Last year, crude steel production in the European Union amounted to 168 million tonnes, which is a reduction of 5% compared to 2011. The downward trend in real steel consumption largely stemmed from weakening activity in the steel using industries in the EU.
Nickel gets EU Ecolabel
Nickel in stainless steel will not be subject to the hazardous substances requirements of the new European Union Ecolabel Board Regulation.
BHP and Rio denied partnership
The German Federal Cartel Office (FCO) announced that it will prohibit the anticipated joint venture of BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto in western Australia.
EU climate change policy reasonable
The European steel industry is relieved by the decision made on 26 May of the European Commission not to propose a unilateral EU move from -20% to -30% in EU greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 compared to 1990 levels.