Tag: ethylene
Finned tubes from Sandvik
Sandvik Steel has developed a production method for internally, longitudinally finned, cold-finished tubes for use as pyrolysis tubing in the demanding environment of ethylene furnaces.
Nigerian chemical complex
The French Centre for Foreign Trade reports that the consortium Euro-Chem (Indonesia and Singapore) plans to build a methanol, ethylene and polyethylene complex in Nigeria, to come online in 2006.
From ethylene to propylene
Japan's Mitsui Chemicals Inc will transform its ethylene centre in Osaka into a propylene centre.
CB&I win Chinese contract
Chicago Bridge & Iron Company NV has won a contract from Shanghai Ethylene Cracker Complex for a low-temperature liquids storage facility in the Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park in Caojing, China.
Pemex to tender two petrochem projects
The petrochemical unit of Mexico's state oil company Pemex will launch a tender in February 2003 for two petrochemical complexes, one at Coatzacoalcos in Veracruz state, and the other at Altamira in Tamaulipas state.
Ethylene furnace at Oyster Creek
Dow Chemical Company will begin construction in November for the addition of a new ethylene furnace at its Oyster Creek plant located in Freeport, Texas.
Ethylene facility in Texas
Dow Chemical Co. is planning to build an ethylene plant in Seadrift, Texas.
CPChem expands in Qatar
Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC (CPChem) has announced two new joint-venture agreements for the development of its second world-scale petrochemical project in Qatar.
Hungary awards Linde contract
The Hungarian petrochemical company Tiszai Vegyi Kombinat Rt. (TVK) has awarded Wiesbaden-based Linde AG a contract valued at 160 million euros for an ethylene plant at Tiszaujvaros in northeastern Hungary.
Nanhai petrochemical project
Major construction work is expected to start in early 2003 on the Nanhai Petrochemical complex, which is located on Daya Bay near Hong Kong.