Tag: EPD

Outokumpu publishes EPDs to reduce carbon emissions

Outokumpu publishes EPDs to reduce carbon emissions

Outokumpu has published new environmental product declarations (EPDs) to help their clients reduce carbon emissions
Stalatube launches EPD for stainless steel sections

Stalatube launches EPD for stainless steel sections

Stalatube launches EPD for stainless steel sections
Outokumpu publishes an EPD for ferrochrome production

Outokumpu publishes an EPD for ferrochrome production

The EPD for ferrochrome will further support Outokumpu’s commitment to help its customers in reducing their climate emissions.
SMLP receives four new EPDs

SMLP receives four new EPDs

Salzgitter Mannesmann Line Pipe GmbH (SMLP) was presented with four new independently verified Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) for the manufacturing of its steel pipe by the Institute for Construction and Environment (IBU) on the occasion of the BAU 2017 trade fair.