Tag: enbridge

Enbridge to sell midstream assets for $1.120bn

Enbridge Inc. has entered into a agreement to sell Midcoast Operating, L.P. and its subsidiaries, which conducts the Company's U.

TAL focuses on export of US LNG

Toshiba America, Inc. (TAI) has announced the formation of Toshiba America LNG Corporation (TAL), a new operating company that will focus on the liquid natural gas (LNG) market.

2H Offshore wins 2 verification contracts

2H Offshore, an Acteon company, has been awarded two separate contracts, one by Hess Corp. (Hess) and a second contract by Enbridge Energy Co. (Enbridge), to verify the design, fabrication and installation phases of the Steel Catenary Risers (SCRs) for the Stampede field development in the Gulf of Mexico.

Enbridge optimises Regional Oil Sands expansions

Enbridge announced plans to optimise a previously announced expansion of its Regional Oil Sands System. The optimisation, which has been agreed to with affected shippers, will involve capital cost savings of USD 0.4B in aggregate and lower tolls for the shippers, while maintaining attractive returns on the capital to be invested. Projects involved in the optimisation include the Athabasca Twin Project and the Wood Buffalo Extension Project.

Enbridge to spend CAD 500 Million on safety

Enbridge Inc. (ENB) will spend up to USD 494.2 million more on safety features for its proposed Northern Gateway oil pipeline to Canada's western coast.

Oil producers oppose Seaway request

    Oil producers in North America are hoping to ease the disconnect in the crude markets by addressing the reversal of the Seaway pipeline to run to refineries nest the Gulf of Mexico from the central United States.