Tag: Borkum Riffgrund 1 Project
Siemens secures wind power order
Siemens Energy (Siemens) has received an order for an offshore wind power plant from DONG Energy. Siemens will be responsible for providing up to 89 wind turbines for the Borkum Riffgrund 1 project in the North Sea, off the German coast. Upon completion, the wind power plant will have a total capacity of 320MW, able to deliver clean electricity to approximately 330,000 German households. The plant will be located in the North Sea, 80km northwest of Emden and 55km off the German coast. As per the contract, Siemens will supply, install and commission the wind turbines over a 36sq/km area, at water depths of up to 29m. Each turbine has a capacity of 3.6MW and a rotor diameter of 120m. Siemens has also signed a five-year service, maintenance, and warranty agreement for the units with an extension option. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2013 with first power production by 2014.