Tag: Australia
Thickening circuit contract
Outokumpu Technology has been awarded a further contract at Boddington Gold Mine for the delivery of the complete thickening circuit at the Boddington expansion project in Australia.
Australia: gas project development
Global subsea contractor, Subsea 7 has announced a contract award valued in the region of USD 6.8 million by Allseas for the Woodside Otway Gas Project, located in the Bass Straits offshore Australia in water depths of approximately 100m.
Australia: new power plants
The New South Wales Government has given the go-ahead for the state’s biggest privately funded power station.
Australia: oil field development
BHP Billiton has approved development of the Stybarrow oil field located in licence block number WA-255-P(2) in the Exmouth Sub-basin, approximately 65km from Exmouth, off the NW Australian coast.
Pipes for Australian gas field
BUTTING has won an order to supply BuBi®-pipes to a gas field off the coast of Western Australia.
Australia receives new power station
The Australian state of Queensland will get a new A$500 million (US$284.8 million) gas-fired power station by 2005.
Atwood Falcon awarded contract
Atwood Oceanics, Inc announced today that Woodside Energy Ltd has awarded the Atwood Falcon a contract to drill two wells plus options for Woodside to drill up to three additional wells off the northwest coast of Australia.
People moved by stainless
Significant petrol savings, longer service life, lighter tare weight and reduced maintenance costs are just a few features of Australia’s first stainless steel bus.