Tag: Alstom

Taipower’s contract

At least three local companies are competing for a natural gas supply contract worth 400 billion Taiwan dollars to be offered by the state-run Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower).

Alstom to refurbish Hungarian power plant

Alstom has been awarded two contracts, together worth approximately EUR 23 million, for the total plant refurbishment of the Tisza power plant.

Antipodean boiler

Alstom has been awarded a contract by Alcan Gove Pty Ltd of Australia (formerly Nabalco), to supply an oil-fired boiler also designed for future gas conversion.

Alstom reorganises power sector

Alstom's power sector, which currently accounts for more than half of Alstom's revenues, is to be reorganised into three new sectors.

Alstom wins Mexican contract

Alstom has been awarded a 12-year operation support and maintenance contract for the 1000 MW Monterrey III gas-fired combined-cycle power plant in Mexico.

Alstom wins boiler renovation contract

Alstom has won a contract valued at approximately EUR 20 million by the Renusagar Power Division of Hindalco Industries Ltd, India.

Alstom gas turbines in Algeria

Alstom has won a second order, valued at around EUR 40 million, to supply gas turbines for phase 2 of a pipeline project in Algeria.

Alstom wins steam turbine order

Alstom has won an order for a 93.7mw industrial steam turbine to be delivered to the Beatrice site in Nebraska, USA.

Alstom wins second Kosovan power contract

An Alstom-led consortium has won a EUR 38 million contract to refurbish both units of the fire-damaged Kosovo B power plant for Kosovan utility Korporata Energjetike e Kosoves (KEK).

Gas turbine order for Germany

Alstom has won an order for a 43mw natural gas-fired GTX100 industrial gas turbine, to be used in a co-generation application in connection to an existing boiler belonging to the Infraserv company at the Hochst industrial park near Frankfurt am Main, Germany.