Suzlon wins 20MW UK projects

REpower Systems SE, has signed contracts to supply wind turbines for two wind farms in England – Armistead and Carsington Pasture. Armistead wind farm in South Cumbria is owned by Banks Renewables, and will see six REpower MM82 machines installed. Carsington Pasture wind farm is owned by independent power generation company, International Power, and will consist of four MM82 wind turbines. The MM82 turbines have a rated output of 2.05MW each. Armistead wind farm will have a rated output of 12MW and will generate enough electricity to power the equivalent of nearly 7,000 homes annually. The four turbines at 8.2MW Carsington wind farm will in total generate enough electricity to power the equivalent of at least 4,500 homes annually. Construction is due to start in summer 2012 for Carsington Pasture. Both Armistead and Carsington Pasture are expected to be completed in early 2013.

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