SUEZ has won a design contract for the rehabilitation and expansion of the discharge constructed wetland at the Shanghai Chemical Industry Park. This contract is SUEZ’s first Zone Libellule project in Asia and the largest for treating industrial wastewater.
This new contract aims to rehabilitate the existing 13 hectares of discharge constructed wetland and to design a 23 hectares expansion. This zone is located downstream of the wastewater treatment plant operated by SUEZ. It is designed not only to achieve the tertiary treatment of effluents, but also includes guarantees for the elimination of pollutants, improving the quality of the water discharged into the environment, and allowing for its re-use. Construction will begin in mid-2017, and the zone will be launched in 2018.
This ecological engineering innovation will help improve the quality of SCIP’s treated wastewater, as measured by several industrial effluent pollution parameters: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), metals, phosphorus, nitrogen, etc. Hundreds of plant species will be chosen based on their treatment capabilities, their salinity tolerance, and their ecological characteristics.
The project is part of SUEZ’s initiative to support the Chinese authorities in developing solutions to conserve water resources, protect the environment, and anticipate regulatory requirements.