Stéphane Brochu, General Manager of ArcelorMittal and chief operations officer of ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada is nominated as Vice President of ArcelorMittal and is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada. After several years working for Atlas Stainless Steel, Stéphane Brochu joined the group in 1998, as senior coordinator, and a few years later he became plant manager of the wire rod mill at the Contrecoeur-East complex. In 2003, Stéphane Brochu became plant manager of the cold rolling mills and in 2005 plant manager of flat products, still at Contrecoeur-East. In 2008 he became plant manager at the bar mill of Contrecoeur-West, prior to his appointment as general manager of Contrecoeur-East, in January 2017. Stéphane Brochu has been in his current role, as Chief Operating Officer of ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada, since November 2017.