Bestobell Steam Traps Division of Richards Industries introduces the Magnum Series Steam Traps – a versatile line of high-capacity steam traps. The Magnum Series can be supplied with up to 18 bimetallic elements for hot condensate flows as high as 149,000 pounds per hour. With five models available for differential pressures up to 320psi, one can add or delete elements to match the changing conditions. Bestobell has a bimetallic element which uses both thermostatic and thermodynamic forces to ensure optimal plant control with no loss of live steam. Among the benefits of this design are: modulating discharge that automatically adjusts to operating pressure and load; stainless steel internals that are highly resistant to fatigue and corrosion; high cold discharge for fast start-up; and continuous air and CO2 venting which maximises heat transfer while minimising plant corrosion. The Magnum Series is built to match your application such as body size and element pressure ranges. Connection sizes and types are custom-matched to your specific application.