Stainless steel workshop

The British Stainless Steel Association (BSAA) is holding a half-day workshop entitled “An introduction to stainless steel” on Tuesday 28th November at the National Metalforming Centre in West Bromwich, UK. This starter workshop, to be held between 1030 and 1500 GMT, is a comprehensive introduction to the uses and applications of stainless steel, specifically designed for both newcomers to the industry and personnel seeking a refresher on the basics. Topics of the program will highlight why stainless steel is such a cost-effective yet aesthetic material including grades, finishes, corrosion and mechanical properties. The workshop will also provide an insight into the BSSA’s stainless steel specialist course of self-study modules allowing participants to learn at a pace which they can vary to the demands of their jobs and achieve on successful completion, an accredited certification from the BSSA.
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