Stainless steel course a success

Since its launch, two years ago, over 100 candidates from a wide spectrum of the Metals Industry have embarked on the ‘Stainless Steel Specialist Course’ run by the British Stainless Steel Association (BSSA). Already, over half of these have been awarded an intermediate certificate. Feedback from participating students has been very favourable. One complete novice wrote “It gave me a good insight into the industry.â€? The sixteen authoritative self-study training modules, providing comprehensive information about almost every stainless steel practice, is suitable for many disciplines and employees from senior managers to shop floor workers. Successful completion and examination of a minimum of five modules, including four compulsory subjects, enables a candidate to receive an intermediate certificate. Successful completion of twelve modules gains a full certificate. BSSA now plans to build on this success by offering companies the opportunity to combine the course with in-house workshops held at their own office or factory premises. A recent pilot programme successfully combined a morning workshop with an afternoon factory visit, enabling participants to apply the principles learned to practical issues on site.

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