Stainless rod outlet at Qiangtian

Tsingshan Holding Group Shanghai International Trading Co. Ltd of Shanghai has awarded Morgan Construction Co. a contract for a rod outlet to be added to an existing bar mill to add stainless steel rods to its expanding product list for new markets. Engineering is now underway, with the equipment scheduled to be supplied in the fourth quarter of 2007. The new outlet will be installed at Tsingshan’s Zhejing Ruipu Machinery Co Ltd’s facility at Qiangtian City in Zhejiang Province. The rod outlet will produce 5.5mm to 16mm diameter stainless steel rod at a 100% mill rolling rate of 65 tonnes per hour. Guarantee speed will be 75 meters per second. Design speed will be 85 meters per second. Morgan’s operations in both Worcester and Shanghai will manufacture the components, which will include a 10 stand Vee No Twist Mill, pinch roll, laying head, nozzle, trough assemblies and guides. The company is also responsible for the engineering design for all equipment within the rod outlet from the exit of the last main mill train stand to the reform station.
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