Stainless mulit-layered roofing

According to Centro Inox, the “iGuzzini” plant (lighting fixtures manufacturer) by Recanati (Macerta) has been recently renovated with a new covering of Coverib multi-layered protected steel roofing and Polilux fretted sheets in compact polycarbonate. The mulit-layer protected coating has a thickness of 0.44mm with an upper finish in corrugated EN 1.4401 (AISI 316) stainless steel sheet. Starting from the inner facade of the muliti-layer, is the: aluminium sheet, bituminous primer, central support in zinc-coated steel, bituminous-based composed plastic, higher metallic sheet (natural or pre-varnished alumininum, copper or stainless steel). The AISI 316 stainless steel was chosen because its molybdenum content makes it particularly suitable for use in severe exposure conditions, such as in industrial environments or costal areas. The stainless steel covering can be applied on both façade of the coating or only to one, depending on where the aggressive attack is concentrated.
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