SS vortex flowmeters

Universal Flow Monitors, exhibiting at ISA Expo 2006, has introduced its CoolPoint vortex shedding flowmeters with stainless steel bodies for corrosion resistance. CoolPoint flowmeters are now offered in 316 SS construction for measuring and monitoring corrosive fluids and water with chemicals added. Flowmeters with the 316 SS bodies can be equipped with Kalrez perfluoroelastomer seals for added reliability in harsh chemical environments. Stainless steel versions are available in two pipe sizes: 1/4in, which provides a maximum flow rate of 15 litres per minute (LPM), and 1/2in, with a maximum flow rate of 45LPM. Repeatability is +/-1% of actual flow, and accuracy is +/-2% of actual flow. In addition to the stainless steel versions, CoolPoint flowmeters are offered with flow bodies of brass with PVDF and Viton seals in sizes ranging from 1/4in to 4in, providing flow rates up to 2271LPM.


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