SS architectural concept

An architectural concept, which combines the aesthetics and practical application of stainless steel tubes in an R&D laboratory design and layout, has been employed by Sandvik Hard Materials using tubes supplied by sister company, Sandvik Materials Technology. Installed overhead and below the ceiling into a “ring main” around the perimeter of the laboratory, a bank of six stainless steel, “clean” tubes carry process gases such as argon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen, as well as compressed air and cooling water, around the new 600m2 facility. Designed by architects, Ark DM of Sheffield with building services design provided by engineering consultancy Buro Happold, installation has been carried out by ImGAS, based in Nottingham, UK. The Global R&D laboratory will focus on new product and process development. Sandvik Materials Technology has supplied all of the tube requirements for the project. To meet the requirements for “clean” gases, seamless, stainless steel, type 316L (EN 1.4435) tubes have been used. Buro Happold specified the use of Sandvik Calamo tubes and Sandvik Calamo CQ and CQE grades have been installed. These grades are non-electropolished for CFOS (Cleaned For Oxygen Service) and pharmaceutical applications. Inner surfaces are cleaned to surface roughness standards of Ra 15µ inch and Ra 40µ inch respectively and outside surfaces are buffed and brushed or polished to Ra 32µ inch. Sandvik Calamo stainless steel, 316L, CQ and CQE tubes from Sandvik Materials Technology are produced in a size range from 1/4in up to 2in outside diameter for seamless tubes, and 3/4in up to 6in outside diameter in CQ grade and 11/2in up to 6in outside diameter in CQE grade for welded tubes.
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