SRS biomass plant nears final testing phase

The United States’ largest federally owned biomass plant could begin providing nearly half of Savannah River Site’s electricity needs by January 10th. The unusual steam-generating plant, which will cost USD 795 million, will convert 322,000tns of fuel per year about 50 truckloads per day of wood chips and shredded tires, into about 20MW of power.
Ken Chacey, the company’s site manager, said the facility has produced up to 17MW during recent tests, and has recently passed a U.S. Department of Energy on-site performance and observation test. The fuel sources will include chipped forest products to be procured from within a 50mi radius of the F Area plant.
The plant will also burn up to 30%, or 96,600tns/yr, of finely shredded tires that will be supplied by a separate facility Ameresco is building on 18 acres in nearby Jackson.The tire processing site should be complete in early 2012 and will require permits administered by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control’s Division of Land Management.
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