Siemens will design and install twelve microgrids for the Brazilian utility Centrais Elétricas do Pará (CELPA). These microgrids will be built in power generation plants (distributed energy systems) in the state of Pará. A central control center in Belém will be able to monitor and control these self-contained island networks. Siemens will deliver and install the suitable automation, protection and control technology. This will improve the analysis of plant data and thus increase the availability and reliability of the plants. It will also make it possible to optimize and better plan the service and maintenance work of the service teams, so that fewer deployments on site are necessary. The systems are scheduled to go into service at the beginning of 2018.
The scope of delivery from Siemens also includes the equipment for collecting and monitoring local data such as the RTUs (remote terminal units) and the communication interfaces. The protection technology components are supplied by Reyrolle. Siemens is to install and set the parameters of all components of the microgrid and will also provide service and training for the plant operators.