Using the combined expertise from its acquisitions of Dresser-Rand and Rolls-Royce Energy business, Siemens launches the latest evolution of its gas turbine portfolio – the SGT-A35 RB. The unit addresses the need for more cost-effective solutions for the offshore oil and gas industry by increasing the power density of the topside power generating equipment, thus reducing the required space claim. The lightweight, aeroderivative gas turbine can generate up to 38 megawatts (MW) and is integrated into a compact, lightweight Dresser-Rand package, which is up to 30% smaller and lighter than Industrial RB211 predecessors.
This combination produces a compelling solution for the challenging requirements of offshore applications, such as floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels. FPSO vessels have become increasingly popular as oil and gas production moves towards deep-sea regions and harsher offshore environments to capture stranded reserves. With higher output and power density than comparable products, the SGT-A35 RB turbine offers several cost-effective solutions for this and other challenging offshore applications.
The SGT-A35 RB gas turbine, previously known as the Industrial RB211-GT30, is based on the proven pedigree of the Industrial RB211 and Industrial Trent 60 gas turbines, built with Rolls-Royce Aero Engine technology.